Sunday, January 3, 2010

All Izz Well?

The new year has come with a ringing bell

Brought happiness that only few can tell

When the autumn leaves have withered & fell

Just smile & say all izz well?

The poor become poorer, The rich become rich richer

Men even played with politics made it hell

We cried, we bled, on dead ears we yell

Still I smile & said bhayya all izz well?

The beggar on the street still lies naked

The child on the pavement still has sorrows braided

They didn’t see the beggar nor did the child, but bragged about the unseen smile

The rich kid from the block licks & slurps up the cream

He sings and brags, tells about things his daddy can sell

Yes your right my friend say all izz well!!

The girls on roads, women at work & kids in school

Treated like flesh & used like slave making them a tool

When will man come out his cave, When will he realize what god has given

He is driven by lust and struck by greed, blinded by the pride which he breeds

I am beyond shame to think and tell, in Gods eyes you have fell

Even now you say bhayya all izz well?

What I want is what i seek, for you it may be bleak

I want the air of freedom, fragrance of independence I want to smell

Where men can talk & say what they feel,where democracy is reality but not a spell

Then I’ll be proud to tell chachhu All izz well.